Green Home Design Sarasota - Bradenton
To you, green home design may be a lighter shade of green and include doing your remodel with renewable, carbon-neutral, no VOC materials. You may want your home to be a darker shade of green and include solar or wind energy, double glazed windows, a grey-water system, and converting that old septic tank into a rainwater cistern or xeriscaping your yard. Light to dark – we can help you find the right shade for your sustainable, green home.
Sustainable Design can help reduce overall living costs, provide a healthier living environment for you and your family, and leave a positive legacy for the future. There is so much out there that touted as being "green design", where do you even begin? By calling us, of course! Our comprehensive design team includes Architect Antony Stefan, who has devoted himself extensively to environmental sustainability. He is LEED Accredited, has served on the Board of Directors for the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) Gulf Coast Chapter, Governing Council of USGBC Myakka Branch, has chaired the Green Schools Committee and more. As an integral part of the remodel design team, we will draw upon our knowledge and his to help you navigate the overwhelming world of ecological sustainability!